Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2nd MGP Outdoor shoot

I am very glad to have this opportunity to work with MGP again :)

Location: One Rochester Park.

The very sporty model! I love this picture the most :D

Do visit my facebook page here to like and share :D

Friday, December 2, 2011

Collaboration outdoor shoot with MGP

I am very lucky to have the opportunity to collaborate with My Glamour Place .

Outdoor shoot at Sentosa for their A classic is Born collection.

Do help to "like" my Facebook page here.

Let the pictures do the talking:

The model Hui Min.

A very long rest

I don't know if anybody is reading my blog. Or should I say my makeup blog.

Perhaps, I should start to make this blog active by being less lazy :)

Some overdue pictures for makeup done on clients:

Super sweet girl attending her prom night.

My second time doing makeup for her company D&D.

Did not managed to get the rest of the group pictures taken as some have already proceed down to the ballroom.

Makeup done for another sweet lady attending company award ceremony at MBS.

Will post more pictures up on the collaboration with My Glamour Place outdoor shoot :D

Have a great weekends!